Cricle Casting with Chakras

Before you begin your ritual, sit down centre yourself and ground. Pull as much energy up from Gaia as you can hold. Cut off the flow and make the energy your own relish the feeling of holding the energy and imprint on the energy what you want to accomplish in the ritual.

Go and stand in the East quarter of your circle, take several deep breaths, take one very deep breath, open you heart chakra by intoning “ehm” in F in the slow exhale. Stop focus the energy ahead into the astral realm see the energy streaming forward and becoming the door to the East. Then say your invocation. See the stream of energy you are projecting knock on the door, the guardians will come through and start receiving the energy and start sending back in return. Don't stop the stream as you move on to the next quarter.

Do this at each quarter. When you get to the centre, in front of the alter ground again pulling energy up from Gaia, feel the energy flow up the power cord as it flows from one to another sing the scales, or the sounds and the notes that correspond to the chakra the energy is running through. The first time when you get to the third-eye burst the energy out forming a link to Gaia as to receive her teaching, insight and love. Start at the bottom again and when you get to the crown Chakra burst the energy out the top of the head and up towards the sky. See the brilliant violet light cascade down and form the sphere of power. Do this one more time shooting the energy up to the sky so that you are ground from above and below, in return you should get the male energy cycling back down and around your power stem. Relish in the energy and feel the love from above and below. Allow yourself to experience the love, the warmth and energy. Begin your ritual.

I know that this may take some time. But understand that taking things slow sometimes makes them even more than you hoped for. By casting the circle this way you experience such large amount of energy you never dreamed of. Giving the guardians a bit of you energy links them to you so that you get energy from the quarters. As you do the ritual you are linked through your charkas to each of the quarters, Gaia, and Father Sky. In retrospect you are making love to each of them through at least six of you charkas. With the seventh your throat you say the words of power and let them know how it feels. And they in return do the same.

Any Questions or comments please e-mail me via the button below.

For the best chakra information and corresponding sounds please go here This page is linked on my links page also.

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I dedicate these pages to my husband, without his love and support I would not be what
I am today.
I love you!!! I love you!!! I love you!!! suniei on't'ol.

This page was made By Gaiane on September 22, 2001